A Fight to Remember


I love listening to folks tell of things they have gone through.  You just never know where a story will lead.  More and more it seems a wise thing not to underestimate people.  The things they have done, the things they have lived through can surprise you. Here I will tell, as best I can what a fella was telling just a few days ago. During this time, our friend was on the Police Force, well, you would likely get that from the story.

When I was walking the beat in Lakeland Fla., musta’ been about 50 years ago, I was going down one of the streets in my area and just as I was getting to the Theatre I heard someone shouting for me to come help. There was this big kid in there causing a rukus, and had thrown some punches so I had to act fast. Now this guy was big, he was well over 6’ tall and probably close to 250 lbs. the first thing I did as I was getting to him was call for backup.
I was in the Marines, but I’m not real big… about 5’4” and just over 120 lbs. After some brief words to try to get this guy to settle down I moved in. Fortunately, there was a patrol car passing as I called for backup and about the time I latched on to this guy, the Shackley brothers (patrol partners) moved in. These guys were good size fellas, Don had been a semi pro boxer and Ron had been an all-star linebacker in Texas or Tennessee…. I forget.
Anyway, I was on this big kid trying to take him down but mostly I think I was in the way.  My backup officers were trying to get handcuffs on him, but he was putting up an awful fight.  Those flap jacks on the back of the legs would hurt most folks, but this kid just kept fighting.  Now, I know those Shackley Brothers could have done a whole lot more damage to this kid, but they really used only as much force as what was needed.  I mean that’s really the way they ought to do it now, I don’t know if they do or don’t. 
Finally, we got him down and handcuffed.  Had to take him to the jail, the jail was upstairs just over by the tire shop.  This was one bad dude, he was barely 18 or they wouldn’t have been able to charge him.  If we didn’t happen to be right at that Theatre at just the right time that whole place would have been in a fracas.  Isn’t it funny how that happens sometimes.


You know, seems like it was just like maybe 3 or 6 weeks later we got a letter from that kid.  He was in Miami. Anyway, he sent the nicest apology letter to us at the Department, thanking us for treating him like a human being and not doing something that could have been really bad.  I guess it pays to treat folks as good as you can even in a tough situation.  Like that Bible verse, as much as it is up to you live in peace.
I wonder what ever happened to that kid.

So do I, wonder about what ever happened to that kid.  That kid might be mine or yours, or could have been any of us.  How we respond in a situation matters. Do we choose to use excessive force in response to a threat or do we respond with only what is necessary?  You never know, and may never know, how our response or how we treat someone even in a bad situation might affect that person.  Think about it.

Peace Y’all





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